Monday, April 4, 2011

Time Flies

I cannot believe how quickly time moves!  I think I am going to get so much more done and then before you know it the day is done.  Have been trying to sort the triangle exchange fabrics so I can get them back to the quilters - takes time to sort and count out all of those half square triangles!

We are currently house/dog sitting for one of our daughters while they are on spring break in New Orleans.  The dogs - two beautiful chocolate labs - are doing great only barked a lot the first night and I think that was because we were in "their" room.  Have been working on binding a quilt while we are house sitting, but seems like I fall asleep under it before I get a lot done.  

Our winter friends are starting to return - that's a sure sign of spring for us.  Can't wait to see them all at Chatter Time.  Summer will be here before you know it!  On my way to the shop - Happy Quilting! 

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